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Sleeping during the day is completely normal, and some studies show that napping can increase brain function. While all that is true, excessive sleeping during the day should raise a sense of urgency. Due to the lifestyle that is alive today, many factors can make one fall into the trap of excellent sleepiness, also known as narcolepsy, but we will need to be awake to keep life moving, don't we? Here is where modafinil comes into the picture

What is Modafinil? Why do people use Modafinil, and in what forms does it exist?

In simple terms, Modafinil helps people stay awake during the day. Individuals with sleep apnea who barely sleep at night and find it easy to sleep just when the sunrise or night shift workers who might often struggle to stay awake during the day in particular circumstances because their bodies have adopted a day sleep pattern; Modafinil tablets can help them stay awake and active when necessary, which is why they are called smart tablets.

Forms of modafinil

Modafinl exists in tablets, and the types of tablets differ in concentration; the main known tablets are Modafinl 100mg and Modafinl 200mg. The others are modafinil 150 mg and 250. They all work by increasing the cognitive performers and enhancing weakness

Signs for hypersomnia

It can be challenging to diagnose yourself with hypersomnia; after all, napping in the daytime is healthy, and the following signs speak volumes that you should visit a doctor.

Heavy is sleepless at the time.

Sleeping for more than four hours during the day is not napping at all, and when it occurs unconcernedly, especially when you need to be awake, then that is a problem.

Sleep paralysis

When you can move or speak while sleeping or waking up, and when it is a frequent occurrence, it is safe to say that you might be suffering from hypersomnia


It is an unexpected loss of muscle tone. It often occurs in moments of fear, when body muscles become weak, knees shake, and movement is limited. The episodes are not often for people with Hypersomnia; they can happen once or twice. Regardless of the times they occur, a doctor's visit is needed.

How to use and the dosage

Using Modafinil should not be a prescription task. Get a proper prescription from your doctor and use it according

  • For narcolepsy,  Obstructive sleep apnea, or hypopnea syndromes, use the 200mg Modafinil tablet once a day, in the morning course, and your doctor might increase the dosage depending on your needs or take you off when you no longer need it. 
  • For children with the same problem, visit the doctor first for a proper prescription.

While only one tablet is taken in the morning for the disorder, adults who suffer from shift work sleep disorders take it differently.

  • For shift work sleep disorder, Take 2000 mg of modafinil an hour before you begin working. It keeps your attention and increases concentration throughout the work process.

Missed Dose

If you missed your dose and it is still the beginning of your day, take it as soon as it comes to remembrance. If you Remember when it is close to nighttime, do not take it, as it will prevent your sleep. Avoid taking a missed dose close to the next dose; if it happens, freely skip the missed dose. There is no harm in it.


There is a huge danger of being overdone when using Modafinil; some individuals feel like whatever has been prescribed to them is not enough to keep them awake, so they take more of it. .in that case, an individual might end up developing dependence on the tablet, and the body will forget how to wake during the day without assistance

Precautions to take note of while using Modafinil

Skin reactionsCertain medications are known to cause skin reactions; if you notice your skin is different when you start taking Modafinil, visit your doctor. The skiing reaction can be patches, rash, redness, ulcers on the skin, fever, and chills. Do not ignore even a single reaction, as potential harm could happen in the background.
Allergies-Compents in Modafinil can sometimes lead to allergies; such allergies can be anaphylaxis and require an immediate response from a specialized medical care team.

Pregnancy For pregnant women, it's advised to register into a special program when using Modafinil, as the last thing you need is the tablet affecting your child in any way.

Birth control some birth control methods, such as contraceptive tablets, might not work well when taken together with modafinil; discuss the subject matter with your doctor, and if there is a need for change in your birth control, do so according

FunctioningIf you have started using the medicines and in the first few weeks or month you discover it is not working for you, it can be tempting to want to change the type of tablet or the dosage; however, that is never the solution; visit your doctor first sand if there is a need for a different prescription, they should be the ones to do it.

If you have been using the medicine for a long time and your body can no longer function without it, talk with your doctor to figure out other ways to deal with excessive sleepiness.

Side effects of taking Modafinil

Like other medications, modafinil can cause certain side effects, some of which may be serious and some are common; knowing the side effects will help you know when to see a doctor and when to relax and wait for the effects to disappear.

Most common effects. The most common effects are anxiety, increased heartbeat and blood pressure, and trouble sleeping.

  • Anxiety. Since the tablets have the effect of making yur brain stay on alert, your nervous system will also be all over the place, thus causing anxiety.
  • Increased heartbeat and blood pressure. Once brain activity increases, so does blood pumping and blood pressure. It is not uncommon; it will subside over time.

Word of advice.

Certain problems happen in life, and they can be solved when one decides to change one's way of life. Heavy sleepiness during the daytime is one of those many problems; fixing your schedule, eating the right meals, exercising, and prioritizing peace might be a great start toward quality night sleep. Modafinil will not cure your sleeping disorder but will help you stay active when needed. Buy Modafinil in trusted stores, and for online purchases, a delivery fee is applicable depending on your location.